Every day, from 11th October 2018 to 11th October 2019 – regardless of where she was or what was happening in her life – artist Maria Pasenau took a photograph of herself. Her new exhibition, 365 Days of Pasenau, is comprised of these daily pictures and debuts at the Piccadilly Circus location of Antonia Marsh’s gallery, Soft Opening. The show, which is curated by Dazed’s Editor-In-Chief Isabella Burley, will display the self-portraits in a video loop – un-dated but in chronological order. “They were shot methodically day by day, but we decided to omit the dates from the works themselves,” explains Burley. “Instead, you are met with the mystery of not knowing or placing it in the context of a year-long project. There is no timestamp. To marry this concept, the works are programmed to run chronologically from day one to 365 and back again. So you will never be sure if you are viewing the progression or regression of them as a series. I thought that was fun! Especially as most people will just experience one or two images fleetingly as they walk past. They might not have any idea of the backstory.”


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