Kendrick & Kobe at ComplexCon 2017

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Kobe Bryant and Kendrick Lamar have both reached the mountaintop in their respective fields, so you’d be wise to listen up when they share how they arrived there.

Complex News’ Jinx sat down with Kobe and Kendrick at ComplexCon to get their take on what people miss when it comes to truly achieving greatness.

“I think there’s a certain stubbornness that comes along with being great,” Kobe said. “I think people see greatness as kind of an easy road, like a one-path thing. You work hard, and then all of a sudden it happens. It don’t work like that. There’s a lot of darkness that comes from that as well. There’s a lot of personal experiences that you go through that you use as fuel to propel you forward. Whereas otherwise it would just be obstacles for others; it might even prevent them from going forward. Whereas for us, those moments do nothing but fuel us even more.”

Kendrick offered similar sentiment on the topic. “It’s the curiosity of it. The fear, the anxiety. It’s the curiosity of knowing, damn, I can possibly overcome this. And when you do and another one approaches, I wanna challenge that too. That’s real greatness.”

Check out the full interview above, where Kobe and Kendrick share when they knew they were on to something special in their careers, why Kobe believes he’s failed if 20 years from now basketball is the best thing he’s done in his life, and how Kendrick got inspired watching Kobe’s final game.


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