A former professional skater and founder of the Toy Machine brand, Ed Templeton is also an artist and photographer, like his wife Deanna. Together, they capture California suburbs in black-and-white photographs, capturing the essence of the American way of life: garage-sales in front of the house, children’s beauty contests, 8-inch highways Pathways Crossing the Landscape, Teenagers Wandering at Venice Beach … Published by Nazraeli Press Editions (United Kingdom, USA), Contemporary Suburbium is a photographic meditation on life in the suburbs of Orange County, California – more specifically, Huntington Beach, seaside town near Los Angeles. Formerly dotted with orange trees, oil drilling and holiday homes for the better-off, Huntington Beach is now one of the most popular summer destinations for American vacationers, and the old villas have gradually been replaced by large ones. family houses with three floors. The photographs presented in this new book offer an unexpected look at the inhabitants of this traditionally conservative bastion: its passing tourists, its angry youth, its lucky and less fortunate … Looking like two separate new double-sided prints, Contemporary Suburbium reveals a realistic and romantic vision of Southern California and the 21st century in his own adolescence. Content in a plastic bag, this beautiful accordion book takes over a hundred of their photographs, in a layout of the most original and successful. The book is now available on the Nazraeli Press online store, as well as on Amazon.com.


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